Friday, February 5, 2010

New Way to Share Documents

As I was preparing for student appointments tomorrow, I wanted to create a Global ACT/SAT Test Schedule that I could go over with parents of the juniors I am meeting with. I created the document, using and exporting it as an excel spreadsheet. But how to share this with other users?  I knew there had to be a way!  I did a search on the HELP section of the blog, and found out how to add documents through  It is a free document sharing/upload website.  So, not only do I have a new document to share with you-  but a new place to continually share documents.  You can share documents you create as well by sending them to me at
~to find the document, click on the ACT/SAT Test Schedule 2010 on the right column~

Global ACT/SAT Test Schedule:  A chronological list of all the ACT and SAT test dates for the spring and fall of 2010.  Use this document to help guide sophomores and juniors in creating a customized testing schedule.  After reviewing the global schedule, customize each student's test schedule in  Once you customize a testing schedule, the student and parents can receive automatic emails reminders of registration deadlines, and the approaching test date.

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