Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays!
This is a special time of year for children.  And aren't we all children at heart during the holidays?  I hope that you and your family enjoy a wonderful holiday, spending time with your family and friends.  As 2009 comes to a close, and 2010 is ready to be launched, we can look back and see what the year has brought. As you reflect on the past year, I hope you see your life's tapestry being woven brighter and brighter.  I know that my life has had threads of gold, silver, and deep hues of reds, yellows and greens this year. Those threads come from you.  I have met and worked with many of you in the past year.  You have enriched my life. I am buoyed up by the dedication and enthusiasm you have for the students and parents you work with. I am blessed to be a part of that, if only in a small way.  I know the new year will bring more growth, more opportunities to assist students and parents to make the dream of a higher education come true.

Frohe Weinachten!

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